Beating Cancer With Nutrition

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  • 5
    Beatimg Cancer with Nutrition PQ

    Posted by Amanda on Feb 6th 2023

    Amazing book, I ordered a copy for all of my loved ones, so we can all work toward preventing cancer to the best of our ability. I told my family members that don't have cancer to think of the title as "Preventing Cancer with Nutrition". Thank you so much PQ for compiling your wisdom on anti cancer diet and supplements in this extremely valuable book.

  • 5
    Beatimg Cancer with Nutrition PQ

    Posted by Amanda on Jan 3rd 2023

    I am learning so much, I believe another title for this book could be Preventing Cancer with Nutrition. I am making permanent changes to my family's diet and lifestyle. You cant read this and not make healthy changes. HIGHLY recommended I am getting it for as many family members as I can since our parents and grandparents had cancer and I hope it will inspire them to healthy lifestyle changes as well. Thank you PQ for writing this life saving book. May the Lord Bless you for using the talents He has given you to help humanity.

Cancer Fighting Diet

A cancer fighting diet plan is essential in comprehensive cancer treatment.

Learn how to starve the cancer and slow cancer growth.

Easy to find foods to fight cancer.

Effective and non-toxic approaches to medically reduce cancer burden.

Multi-Year Best Seller on Amazon

5th edition, 5 languages
Over 500,000 copies sold

Foods that Kill Cancer

- Learn what cancer fighting foods and vitamins are best for the cancer patient.

- Guidance to create your own cancer fighting diet.

- Discover what foods are irreplaceable in your quest for healing from cancer.

- Include these common foods in your cancer diet.

- Use these fruits, vegetables, cancer fighting herbs and spices in addition to anti-cancer supplements as “biological response modifiers” to up-regulate the body’s built-in mechanism for eliminating cancer cells, such as apoptosis (programmed cell death). 

- Minor dietary constituents, conditionally essential nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, pH stabilizing factors, substances that are required for a healthy colony of bacteria in the gut, and much more.

- Reverse or avoid the common malnutrition that kills 42% of cancer patients Help stimulate the immune system, which is in charge of killing all unwanted cells in the body, such as cancer

Foods that Help Fight Cancer

Comprehensive information on inexpensive cancer fighting foods

Cancer fighting foods are widely available, in the city or country, warm or cold climate

The cancer diet includes extraordinary healing agents, with both scientific documentation and centuries of folk medicine to support their use

The best Cancer fighting foods are very versatile and can help a wide assortment of seemingly unrelated problems

Foods that help fight cancer are very safe, especially when compared to the risk: benefit ratio to prescription drugs.

Cancer Fighting Recipes

Patient & Reader Testimonials

“If someone in your life has cancer, this book is a must!” Bobbi
“I would like to first of all explain I am not a doctor, nurse or nutritionist. The only letters associated with my name are Mrs. I’ve been married to a wonderful man for the past 32 years and he was diagnosed with cancer five months ago. Not just in the colon, as we were originally told, but surgery found it in his liver, spleen, stomach, upper and lower intestines. The surgeon told us that there was too much cancer and he didn’t want to start cutting him up. I was not going to sit back and just let him be taken by cancer. I purchased Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin, PHD, RD, CNS after reading a pamphlet, written by him, that I picked up at the local supermarket. I immediately started my husband on supplements that were recommended for the various symptoms he had. Our oncologist told us the liver is the best measure of the amount of cancer and that the tumors in the liver shrink in direct proportion to the amount of cancer in the rest of the body.”

“I have read this book from cover to cover and have seen what putting Dr Quillin’s advice to good use, and if you, anyone you love, care about or know are faced with cancer, you owe it to yourself and to them to read this book, put his words to the test. It’s not hard to understand. I have only a high school diploma and a strong desire to bring my husband back to health. All you need is a desire to beat cancer and as Dr Quillin says Hope, Optimism and a Fighting Spirit!”

“Invaluable Lifesaving Information.” Cynthia Haire
“This book is the lifeline for anyone diagnosed with cancer. My father was diagnosed in January 2003 with renal cell carcinoma, metastatic. The doctors gave him less than 6 months to live. He had stage 4 cancer. We tried a variety of the things mentioned in the book, including essiac tea, vitamins, and a nutritional diet. It had spread to his liver, spleen, and lung. Since reading and following the wonderful examples and advice in this book, my father is now working and living a productive life. The doctor was amazed and said not to change a thing that he was doing. Since he had had heart surgery and was a diabetic, many treatment options were not available. Other than one other product, he only utilized the information in Dr. Quillin’s book. That was enough to stop the cancer growth and give him another chance at life. Thank you Dr. Quillin for this wonderful book and the invaluable lifesaving information within.”

“This book saved my life.” Beth Daniels
“My husband bought an earlier version of this book almost 7 years ago when I was given 8 weeks to live. The uterine cancer had metasticized to my lungs and bones. I had a large tumor on my pelvic bone which caused excruciating pain when I walked and even at rest. We followed the book exactly and yes, we bought the Immunopower which was very expensive, but you can’t put a price on your life. The only thing I did differently was avoid all meat entirely. I still do not eat meat. My oncologist calls me his “miracle” patient. I’ve been cancer free for 7 years even though my oncologist said I had a very “aggressive” cancer and it definitely would return. Organic veggies, a juicer, Essiac tea, Immunopower and lots of prayer saved my life.”

Author of “Foundations for Healing” Richard L. Becker, D.O.
If you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed with cancer you may be wondering what you can do to improve your odds. Dr. Quillin’s books “Beating Cancer with Nutrition” is a state of the art effort in outlining a plan that will compliment the doctor’s treatments. The text is clear, concise, and easy to follow. It is the best work I have found for doctor and patient alike. I strongly recommend this book for all who wish to learn more about the nutritional treatment of cancer.

Beating Cancer with Nutrition Book
Scientifically Backed with References & Clinically Proven


Updated 5th Edition - Best Selling Book. Sold over 500,000 copies.
Major Revision with Latest Research


Editorial Reviews, From Library Journal


This completely revised edition offers up-to-date information about the human body's own "host defense mechanisms" in the war on cancer, providing a multidisciplinary approach to treatment based on scientific studies and clinical experience. Quillin, a medical professional who has published extensively, has conducted nutrition studies with hundreds of patients in formal clinical settings. He discusses conventional therapies (chemotherapy, surgery), alternative therapies (macrobiotics, herbal and vitamin therapies), and related factors (psychosocial health, drugs, tobacco, immune dysfunctions). Appendixes list treatment referral agencies, mail-order nutrition products, suggested readings, nutritionally oriented doctors in the United States and Canada, and recipes using foods known to slow tumor growth. Written in an easy-to-read style, this work is informative.... Still, this useful guide to authoritative alternatives in cancer treatment would be appreciated in public library or consumer health collections. --Virginia Lingle, Hershey Medical Ctr. Lib, Pennsylvania State Univ. Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc. --



"Dr. Quillin's book should be of value to every cancer patient."

--Linus Pauling, PhD. 2 Times Nobel Laureate


"...a must-do for those who wish to take an active part in their recovery.

--Dr. Julian Whitaker, MD of the famous Whitaker Clinic in Newport Beach, California and author of the world’s best selling health newsletter, Health and Healing


"...every cancer physician should recommend Beating Cancer with Nutrition to each of their cancer patients.

--Dr. Barry Sears, author of the bestseller THE ZONE

- How Your Body Can Fight Cancer
- Harness Your Own Innate Healing Forces
- Change the Underlying Cause of Cancer
- Genetics and Epigentics Connection, Gut Health, Feel Good Activities, Power of Mind, Best Exercises, Energy Alignment, Clean, Detox, Lifestyle Adjustments, Meal Plan and much, much more!